JHCSC Buswak Dance Ensemble Performances at SUC FAIR 2024 Cultural Show

J.H. Cerilles State College Buswak Dance Ensemble, guided by Culture and the Arts Director Mr. Joseph Salimbangon, gave their exceptional performance at the SUC FAIR 2024 Cultural Show, held on July 9, 2024, at KCC Mall de Zamboanga. Their presentation beautifully displayed the rich cultural heritage of Indigenous communities in Mindanao.

Other State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) from Mindanao also presented their cultural dances. The SUC FAIR 2024 Day 1 Cultural Show showcased a range of performances, each highlighting the unique traditions and customs of different ethnic groups across Mindanao. – EMP

Soar high, J.H. Cerilles State College!”
Stronger and Bolder JHCSC for Quality Tertiary Education”