Development Programs/Priority Projects/Agenda offered through TABANGE:
T – echnology and Literacy Initiatives
- Computer Literacy
- Literacy and Continuing Education
- Livelihood Skills Development
- Emerging Technology Transfer
A – griculture and Aquatic Resources Management
- Organic Farming
- Vermi Composting
- Animal Dispersal
- In-land Fisheries Production & Training
- Nursery Management
- Agri-preneurship
- Zampen free-range native chicken technology
- Other technology packages
B – arangay Empowerment and Good Governance
- Legal Assistance
- Capacity Building of Barangay Officials and Civic Organizations
- Public Information and Policy Awareness
- Community Development Services
- Promotion of Peace and Order
A – dopt a Community
- Adopt a School Program
- Adopt a Barangay Program
N – utrition and Health Programs
- Family Planning
- Food Technology Transfer
- Health Care
- Maternal and Child Care
- Organic Food Processing
- Alternative Medicine
- Mental Health
- Communicable and Non-communicable Diseases Awareness
G – ender Development and Income Generation
- Financial Management
- Gender Mainstreaming Training
- Marketing Strategies
E – nvironmental Resource Conservation and Disaster Risk Reduction
- Solid Waste Management
- Environmental Awareness Campaign
- Tree Growing
- Natural Resources Management Training
- Disaster Risk Reduction and Mitigation Training
- Agricultural Crops Production NC I
- Agricultural Crops Production NC II
- Electrical and Maintenance Training NC II
- Cookery NC II
- Bread and Pastry Production NC II
- Swine Production NC II
- Poultry Production NC II
- Computer System Servicing NC II
- Food and Nutrition/Health and Sanitation/Maternal and Child-care
- Medical/Dental/Optical Mission
- Blood Donation
- Clean and Green Community/Coastal Cleanup
- Tree Planting
- Nursery and Vegetable Garden Establishment
- Relief Goods Operation
- Gift Giving Activity
- Youth and Sports Development/Environmental Camp