First Ever J.H. Cerilles State College Mobile Kumustahan Celebrates 124th Philippine Civil Service Anniversary

J.H. Cerilles State College spearheaded its first-ever Mobile Kumustahan that coincided with the 124th Anniversary of the Philippine Civil Service under the theme “Transforming Public Service in the Next Decade: Honoring Agile and Future-Ready Servant Heroes.” It started last September 18, 2024, at the JHCSC Dumingag Campus and continues today at the JHCSC Lakewood Campus.
The Mobile Kumustahan, convened by the Human Resource and Management Office, was spearheaded by HRMO Designated Director Dr. Julito V. Mandac, Jr., consisting of a succession of discussions that would guide the improvement of public service.
The agenda included a presentation on the Comprehensive Leave Administration Program (CLAP) by HRMO II Mr. Juda P. Cabalog that later led to a discussion in relation to the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees led by Dr. Mandac. Also, HRMO III Mr. Kim M. Borja presented on Rule 10 about Administrative Offenses and Penalties found in the 2017 Revised Administrative Code of the Civil Service (RACCS) together with topics surrounding violations of the Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007.

An open forum was availed to engage the participants with the HRMO team addressing numerous questions and concerns on public service regulations.
Recognition came to Dr. Edgardo H. Rosales, President of JHCSC, for supporting this groundbreaking initiative, while the Mobile Kumustahan is set to continue its next stop on September 30, 2024, in the JHCSC Main Campus, marking a significant step forward in the pursuit of agile and responsive public service. – PCDP

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Stronger and Bolder JHCSC for Quality Tertiary Education”