Day 3: Successful Commencement of JH Cerilles State College Strategic Plan Update

The 3-day session for Updating the JH Cerilles State College Strategic Plan has successfully concluded with a memorable moment: the signing of a Pledge of Commitment by the dedicated middle managers. Present during the event were the institution’s key officials including OIC-CAO Dr. Joel M. Sabellano Jr., VPAA Dr. Vilma C. Grengia, VPRERG Dr. Jerry B. Superales, College Secretary/SAS Dean Dr. Frederick F. Grengia, Dumingag Campus Administrator Dr. Moises Glenn G. Tangalin, Lakewood Campus Administrator/Extension Director Ricky A. Egos, the School Deans and Heads of Offices. This commitment was witnessed by JHCSC President Dr. Edgardo H. Rosales and Atty. Jerry N. Mayormita, Provincial Director of the Civil Service Commission – Zamboanga del Norte Provincial Field Office. The significant event took place on October 11, 2023, at Manuel Resort, PiΓ±an, Zamboanga del Norte.

The day was marked by a productive exchange of knowledge and insights regarding the Strategic Performance Management System SPMS. Additionally, workshops on Division Performance Commitment Review DPCR were meticulously presented and discussed by Atty. Mayormita, providing valuable insights that were absorbed by the participants.

President Rosales expressed his gratitude to the participants and hoped that the commitment made through the Pledge of Commitment would be implemented thoroughly by each service delivery unit. This collective effort aims to elevate the institution’s capacity to serve its stakeholders to the fullest.

Soar High JH Cerilles State College!

“Stronger and Bolder JHCSC for Quality Tertiary Education”!