Dr. Glenn Tangalin Joins Philippine HEI Delegation in Cross-Visit to Singaporean Institutions for Educational Advancements

In a collaborative effort to enhance the educational landscape in the Philippines, leaders and faculty members from higher education institutions (HEIs) across the country have embarked on a cross-visit to various institutions in Singapore from November 13 to 17, 2023.

The delegation, consisting of 23 participants, including the esteemed JHCSC Dumingag Campus Administrator and College Research Director, Dr. Moises Glenn Tangalin G. Tangalin, had the opportunity to engage with experts from The HEAD Foundation, Singapore Management University, Singapore University of Social Sciences, and Republic Polytechnic. These institutions generously provided a comprehensive learning tour, offering insights into their respective programs, governance structures, curriculum development processes, and innovative HEI leadership and management strategies.

The initiative was organized by SEARCA’s Training for Development Unit, which facilitated the cross-visit as a vital learning event under the Commission on Higher Education (CHED)-funded project, “Leveling-Up Philippine Higher Education Institutions in Agriculture, Fisheries, and Natural Resources” (LevelUPHEI AFAR). The overarching goal of this project is to elevate the institutional capacities of the State Universities and Colleges – Association of College of Agriculture in the Philippines, Inc. (SUC-ACAP, Inc.) and its 75 members. This will be achieved through short-term training programs, cross-visits, and active participation in University Consortium activities.

This cross-visit represents a significant step towards fostering international collaborations, enriching the participants with global perspectives, and ultimately contributing to developing and improving higher education institutions in the Philippines, particularly in agriculture, fisheries, and natural resources.

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