Enhancing Disaster Preparedness: Highlights from JHCSC-DRRMO First Quarter Meeting

The JHCSC Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (DRRMO) held its first quarter meeting at the Canuto Ms Enerio Campus on January 30, 2024. The meeting saw the participation of 13 esteemed individuals, all committed to advancing the DRRMO’s mission, including DRRMO Director Jerry R. Redoblado, DRRMO Staff and Responders, and Supervising Administrative Officer (SAO) and Presidential Management Officer (PMO) Bemia Snooky Beboso.
The meeting began with warm words of welcome from Roel Revilla Marañag, the Canuto Ms Enerio Campus In-charge. DRRMO Director Jerry R. Redoblado chaired the meeting. A significant portion of the meeting was revisiting and refining the vision and mission of the JHCSC DRRMO, which underscored the significance of each member’s role in achieving the organization’s objectives and fostered a sense of accountability and teamwork.
The DRRMO Calendar of Activities, Completing the Manual, Listing Student Volunteers, Training for Disaster Preparedness, Holding Realistic Drills, and Standardizing Uniforms were all given careful thought during the conference.
The JHCSC-DRRMO First Quarter Meeting provided a forum for discussion, introspection, and planning. The DRRMO is unwavering in its objective to protect community welfare and lessen the effects of disasters through joint efforts and shared commitment.

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